Sunday, January 23, 2011

On the move, with a crawl

These have been busy days for Caden as we are finding some rhythm in the new routine.  PT has introduced new and more difficult exercises for him to practice, and he continues to work on stabilizing his trunk and strengthening his core.

Caden's favorites at the moment are his race track (where he has to crawl around the perimeter of the living room on all fours - two weeks ago he couldn't crawl more than a yard and now he makes it two laps!) and "Ping Pong Therapy". The latter is just playing assisted ping pong with his brothers, but brings lots of giggles and must involve PT (he stands) and OT (hand-eye coordination), right?

He is now able to use his walker by himself; and we have visited school hallways, malls and supermarkets to do some walking despite the snow and ice outside. The therapist noted this week how much he has improved since they did their initial evaluations.  Keep up the hard work, Caden!

We've tried to get out as much as possible, despite the weather.  It appears that Caden is talking a little bit more with people outside of the family; it just takes him a little while to get warmed up, literally! :)

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Starting a New Year

The first week of the New Year was a busy one as Caden adjusted to being back at home. The PT and OT evals went well at the outpatient facility, and Caden even managed to squeeze in a pool therapy session. Caden enjoys pool therapy, and particularly liked trying out a squirt toy that he managed to spray both mom and dad with from some range ;) Definitely improving those fine motor skills!

Meanwhile, our home therapy sessions have gone well too. Caden is really making progress with his walker and needs much less support. His speech continues to improve (or we are getting really good at speaking Caden!). And nothing beats "brother therapy".

We have had fun getting out and about this week, including watching some basketball games. Caden was delighted to speak with the boys Varsity team and coach prior to a home game this week; and then got to help cheer them on to a great victory. The team autographed a ball for Caden that he takes very special care of so that the names don't come off. Thank you so much guys!