Sunday, May 15, 2011


Caden has been keeping super busy with therapy and schoolwork.  The amount of re-learning that he has accomplished in both areas is staggering, and of course there is so much work still to be done.  I am reminded of my grad school statistics classes, and how we would analyze scatter plots, variability, best fit lines and outliers.  Caden's days can look a lot like those graphs:  some days up, some days down, occasionally a day that is way out there, but overall an upward trend.

There have been some new activities in therapy.  OT has challenged Caden with the wii balance system.  It is tremendously difficult for him, yet it brings out his inner competitor and he vacillates between frustration and determination to master the machine.  Additionally, his therapist noted this week that his hands are much stronger and tremor less -- progress!

PT put Caden on a swinging platform this week to do part of his work out.  I was very impressed with Caden's strength, coordination and balance.  His exercises are challenging on solid ground, let alone with the additional difficulty of having to orient himself in space.  I was certain it would make him dizzy, but he handled it well.  New PT homework is to swing on our swingset at home.  Let me tell you, that simple act takes lots of coordination and motor planning!

Progress has also been made on the bike (sans pedals).  Caden now cruises down small slopes for several yards with his feet up and maintaining his balance.  Not only is this great for balance practice, but he can join in the fun with his brothers and friends and bike around the yard.