Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Summer begins!

Like most parents and their children, Caden and I shared a "get ready for school" ritual each morning, pre-injury.  It included making sure those shoe laces were tied, and helping him with his back pack.  Then I would admonish him to be a very good boy, and he would sincerely reply that he would.  With heartfelt good-byes on both sides, he would traipse out the door and begin his day.  Except that.... 

As I watched him step down from the back porch, I would spin on my heels and tear through the house as quickly as obstacles allowed.  Similarly, Caden would skip or run (his choice) down the driveway.  Our mission:  to see who could reach the front porch first.  Sometimes I would win; sometimes Caden; mostly we tied.  Caden would then continue to skip to the end of the drive, giggling en route.  He would pick up the newspaper and heave it toward me:  launched skyward, it would brush tree leaves and land just a few feet away from where he stood.  More giggles.  He would pick it up again and wing it.  So far!  And 95% of the time it would land in a bush or a tree.  Giggles again.  By then the bus would come and he could really start his day.

Yesterday was Caden's first day of summer school.  Our ritual began the same way, but then we walked to the bus together hand in hand.  He stooped and got me the paper and we both grinned.  Because it was the first day, I was fearful as he negotiated the steps in the bus.  Today, I watched with admiration as he gripped the hand rail and confidently got on.  New days and new rituals :)

The end of the regular school year meant saying good-bye to the wonderful teaching team that has helped Caden regain the power of his voice and his mind.  After four months of having them daily in our home and in our lives, they felt like family.  Thank you!

With summer's arrival and our pool open for swimming, Caden started his pool therapy at home.  His older brothers are a great help with the home pool exercises.  And who knew about all the cool, pool therapy equipment?  Rory says Caden has the coolest therapy "toys".  I'm not certain Caden feels the same way about them ;)

We've really been working on trying to improve Caden's gait and to narrow his stance.  I placed a narrow, straight road in painters tape on the living room floor for Caden to practice on.  Then Carl helped me put a slightly wider, meandering road perpendicular to it.  (We'll see if these new floor designs show up on HGTV)  We know Caden's walking has improved because he has far fewer bruises on his knees!

One of Caden's favorite activities has been to follow the lawnmower (at a safe distance) on the paths that it cuts through the grass.  Sometimes he goes on his bike, or else he just walks along in the freshly mown swaths.  Yesterday -- maybe was inspired, or maybe his legs were just antsy after sitting in school for half of a day -- he took off after the mower at a run!  So his form needs a little work....  It's a start!