Monday, November 14, 2011

Fall Days

Determined to enjoy autumn to its fullest, Caden presented me with his "wish list" of fall activities.  I think we managed to fit them all in, including multiple leaf pile jumps, trick or treating, two corn mazes, a farm visit and a wagon ride.  He is even a little more fond of sitting through his brother's MS soccer games as he managed to find at least one 4-leaf clover at each home game, and once a 5-leafed clover.  Charming!  Mother Nature had her own trick or treat in mind, however, sending a substantial snow our way before Halloween.
Caden continues to adjust to his return to school.  He confided to me that some days are better than others.  I think we can all relate!  While he continues outpatient PT and OT, these therapies have also been added to the school schedule.  We are seeing Caden reap the benefits -- especially his ability to interact with other children:  playing tag and not always being "it", and being fearless on the monkey bars.  Still, he is cognizant that his peers sense that he is different; and with the help of his teachers he decided to tell the class his story.  He was met with support by caring classmates.

The academic scaffold that the teachers worked on during home instruction has proven to have a strong foundation.  Caden says that he now loves writing ;) and the haze that has obscured his once terrific grasp of math seems to be lifting.  In speech, he is working on learning and memory strategies in addition to improving the fluid quality of his voice.

Last week, Caden had a diagnostic procedure to ascertain whether the AVM had regrown and/or was still present in his brain.  We learned that Caden does not like needles, that it is easier to lie absolutely still for 6 hours if you get to watch Sponge Bob, and that everything looks good.  Phew!