Sunday, September 30, 2012

The News

To catch Caden's first 4th grade news broadcast please check out:

3/4 of the way down the page you will find the VES news.  Caden's broadcast was on 9-28-12 :)

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Back in the Swim

Happy New Year!

Following another scan at the beginning of December, Caden put "no more special procedures and no more needles in 2011" at the top of his Christmas list.  Fortunately, we were able to come through :)

It has been a busy couple of months with lots of progress and a few hiccups along the way.  As the fourth boy, Caden was determined to be heard and was always the loudest, so it was especially hard when he was silenced by the injury.  Well, a year after he started speaking again, we are now having to remind him to use volume control.  Awesome! 

Caden's physical advancements post-injury have stood out as though he is climbing another rung in a ladder of achievements.  Surprisingly, the cognitive developments seem to stand out just as well:  Caden has become a more independent worker; can stay on task for longer periods of time; and his processing of new information has improved.  He has met some challenges since November, particularly dealing with self-consciousness and a sudden onset of "fear of failure."  Success, for us, is trying things.  Caden came home last month and told me he had skipped around the gym in PE.  We both celebrated grandly -- even though the skipping was accompanied by some falling ;) .  One skip at a time.

We are still working to get the right balance between the long school days and the amount of physical and occupational therapy Caden needs.  His OT noted a slight regression in his progress (some increase in left side neglect and core weakness).  The holiday break was a great opportunity to catch up on home therapy, and we've adapted some workouts to squeeze in at the end of school days.  It has also meant a return to Pool Therapy -- a session Caden loves!  Caden's last Pool Therapy was more than 6 months ago, so the advancements he made in the water over the summer were really noticeable:  he is able to hold his breath and swim underwater for a short distance, and he no longer needs continuous hands-on support.

What was really remarkable to me was how much easier it is for him to change and get into and out of the pool.  A year ago, he was just starting to walk again, and processing the need to balance and coordinate his movements was difficult.  Add to that the fact that the floor has slightly concave channels, asymmetrically around the pool deck, to drain water.  These slopes are not that perceptible as the floors are covered by perforated rubber mats, textured like millions of tiny legos.  That's a lot of sensory input for someone trying to learn to walk again.  Now, the walk to the pool seems much easier--and he can't wait to get in!    


Monday, November 14, 2011

Fall Days

Determined to enjoy autumn to its fullest, Caden presented me with his "wish list" of fall activities.  I think we managed to fit them all in, including multiple leaf pile jumps, trick or treating, two corn mazes, a farm visit and a wagon ride.  He is even a little more fond of sitting through his brother's MS soccer games as he managed to find at least one 4-leaf clover at each home game, and once a 5-leafed clover.  Charming!  Mother Nature had her own trick or treat in mind, however, sending a substantial snow our way before Halloween.
Caden continues to adjust to his return to school.  He confided to me that some days are better than others.  I think we can all relate!  While he continues outpatient PT and OT, these therapies have also been added to the school schedule.  We are seeing Caden reap the benefits -- especially his ability to interact with other children:  playing tag and not always being "it", and being fearless on the monkey bars.  Still, he is cognizant that his peers sense that he is different; and with the help of his teachers he decided to tell the class his story.  He was met with support by caring classmates.

The academic scaffold that the teachers worked on during home instruction has proven to have a strong foundation.  Caden says that he now loves writing ;) and the haze that has obscured his once terrific grasp of math seems to be lifting.  In speech, he is working on learning and memory strategies in addition to improving the fluid quality of his voice.

Last week, Caden had a diagnostic procedure to ascertain whether the AVM had regrown and/or was still present in his brain.  We learned that Caden does not like needles, that it is easier to lie absolutely still for 6 hours if you get to watch Sponge Bob, and that everything looks good.  Phew!    

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Happy Life Day!

This spring, one of Caden's ATs (awesome teachers) gave him the task of re-learning the months of the year.  Caden recited them perfectly, omitting September and October every time.  When she told me about it, I laughed and replied, "well, given Caden's experience of September and October 2010, I'd like to leave those months out too!"  So far, Caden has really enjoyed this September and is looking forward to experiencing fall again.  He has even said he is going to start his own leaf raking business, although I think our yard produces enough leaves to keep him busy for awhile :)

Before school started, Caden accomplished one of the goals that he had set for himself upon returning home.  He wanted to climb to the top of the Sourlands to that special spot where you can see NYC on a clear day.  I took the boys there on occasion and we would "wave to Dad" and/or call him on the cell phone and pretend to see him wave back.  Caden and I made it to the top on a warm, muggy day.  Although it was too hazy to see the city, it was a success nonetheless:  he made it all the way up and down on his own two legs, only holding my hand occasionally.

Caden has now logged more 3rd grade days at school than he did last year.  He is really enjoying being back at school:  he has made new friends and gotten to see old ones too; and he is settling in with his new teachers.  We were concerned about his adjustment to the full school day, and so far he seems to be handling it o.k.  However, he can be very fatigued when he gets home, and is experiencing a few more "wobbly" days as a result.  Hopefully his stamina will continue to improve.

The treadmill work-outs are going well.  Caden had gotten up to a half a mile in about 13 minutes :)  His PT has changed up the treadmill routine, adding 3 new workouts on the machine to challenge both his brain and body -- fascinating!  As he will be on the treadmill more often, we are hoping this also helps to improve his stamina.

September 23rd and the surrounding days could not pass without our feeling a twang of sadness, and a huge amount of happiness, gratitude and blessings.  What a long year.  What a short year.  What a year.

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Summer Fun

From all accounts, summer school was a huge success.  Caden says it was FUN and loves to tell us stories about pool time, music class, whiffle ball at recess, walks with the high school volunteers, pizza day and the carnival on the last day of school (I'm sure they did some work in there as well!).  He seemed to be able to handle the half day schedule, and tolerated the bus ride too.  All good signs for resuming school in September.

Prior to the bout of rain that we have had the last week or so, Caden has spent a lot of time in the pool.  He is not quite the "fish" that he was last summer, but he has improved dramatically this last month.  He now remembers how to hold his breath and go under; loves to jump in with and without a board; tries to do handstands better than his brothers, and will "swim" for a few yards.

Gait training is still his therapy theme.  His PT has reintroduced him to the treadmill:  back in December/January Caden used the treadmill a little to remember how to walk; now he is using it to remind his brain and body of the natural, fluid movement he had pre-injury.  He has worked up from 5 to 10 minutes (going over 2 mph) with a goal of 15 to 20 minutes, and we noticed improvements in his gait immediately.  Weight/balance shifting is another focus, and his PT has him using a scale to shift his weight from one leg to the other -- clever!  Still, Caden most enjoys therapy when it doesn't seem like therapy :) so we've incorporated walks along the stream and even a hike in the Sourlands (great balance practice on the shifty, rock strewn path).

Many of the teachers and therapists who worked with Caden this summer mentioned his sense of humor.  We had to smile this week when Caden told his older brother, who had just suffered a soccer injury, that it would be o.k.:  he has some cool therapy tools he would let him borrow, and he could recommend a great Physical Therapist.  As Caden said, "She really knows her stuff!"



Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Summer begins!

Like most parents and their children, Caden and I shared a "get ready for school" ritual each morning, pre-injury.  It included making sure those shoe laces were tied, and helping him with his back pack.  Then I would admonish him to be a very good boy, and he would sincerely reply that he would.  With heartfelt good-byes on both sides, he would traipse out the door and begin his day.  Except that.... 

As I watched him step down from the back porch, I would spin on my heels and tear through the house as quickly as obstacles allowed.  Similarly, Caden would skip or run (his choice) down the driveway.  Our mission:  to see who could reach the front porch first.  Sometimes I would win; sometimes Caden; mostly we tied.  Caden would then continue to skip to the end of the drive, giggling en route.  He would pick up the newspaper and heave it toward me:  launched skyward, it would brush tree leaves and land just a few feet away from where he stood.  More giggles.  He would pick it up again and wing it.  So far!  And 95% of the time it would land in a bush or a tree.  Giggles again.  By then the bus would come and he could really start his day.

Yesterday was Caden's first day of summer school.  Our ritual began the same way, but then we walked to the bus together hand in hand.  He stooped and got me the paper and we both grinned.  Because it was the first day, I was fearful as he negotiated the steps in the bus.  Today, I watched with admiration as he gripped the hand rail and confidently got on.  New days and new rituals :)

The end of the regular school year meant saying good-bye to the wonderful teaching team that has helped Caden regain the power of his voice and his mind.  After four months of having them daily in our home and in our lives, they felt like family.  Thank you!

With summer's arrival and our pool open for swimming, Caden started his pool therapy at home.  His older brothers are a great help with the home pool exercises.  And who knew about all the cool, pool therapy equipment?  Rory says Caden has the coolest therapy "toys".  I'm not certain Caden feels the same way about them ;)

We've really been working on trying to improve Caden's gait and to narrow his stance.  I placed a narrow, straight road in painters tape on the living room floor for Caden to practice on.  Then Carl helped me put a slightly wider, meandering road perpendicular to it.  (We'll see if these new floor designs show up on HGTV)  We know Caden's walking has improved because he has far fewer bruises on his knees!

One of Caden's favorite activities has been to follow the lawnmower (at a safe distance) on the paths that it cuts through the grass.  Sometimes he goes on his bike, or else he just walks along in the freshly mown swaths.  Yesterday -- maybe was inspired, or maybe his legs were just antsy after sitting in school for half of a day -- he took off after the mower at a run!  So his form needs a little work....  It's a start!

Thursday, June 9, 2011

New Heights

A couple of weeks ago, Caden's OT decided that all of his upper body strength training was paying off, and she let him try out the rock wall in a therapy session.  Caden made it about 2 feet off the ground, and then maneuvered his way about 4 feet to the right, then down, up and back again.  While the space covered was small, it was a huge accomplishment in terms of strength and motor planning.  As you can see on the left, he is now reaching new heights!

Caden's story was included in the UMDNJ magazine's Spring issue on the brain. The interview was conducted in late January/early February, and the photo taken in March.  It is truly amazing how far he has come and how hard he works to get better every day.