Sunday, September 25, 2011

Happy Life Day!

This spring, one of Caden's ATs (awesome teachers) gave him the task of re-learning the months of the year.  Caden recited them perfectly, omitting September and October every time.  When she told me about it, I laughed and replied, "well, given Caden's experience of September and October 2010, I'd like to leave those months out too!"  So far, Caden has really enjoyed this September and is looking forward to experiencing fall again.  He has even said he is going to start his own leaf raking business, although I think our yard produces enough leaves to keep him busy for awhile :)

Before school started, Caden accomplished one of the goals that he had set for himself upon returning home.  He wanted to climb to the top of the Sourlands to that special spot where you can see NYC on a clear day.  I took the boys there on occasion and we would "wave to Dad" and/or call him on the cell phone and pretend to see him wave back.  Caden and I made it to the top on a warm, muggy day.  Although it was too hazy to see the city, it was a success nonetheless:  he made it all the way up and down on his own two legs, only holding my hand occasionally.

Caden has now logged more 3rd grade days at school than he did last year.  He is really enjoying being back at school:  he has made new friends and gotten to see old ones too; and he is settling in with his new teachers.  We were concerned about his adjustment to the full school day, and so far he seems to be handling it o.k.  However, he can be very fatigued when he gets home, and is experiencing a few more "wobbly" days as a result.  Hopefully his stamina will continue to improve.

The treadmill work-outs are going well.  Caden had gotten up to a half a mile in about 13 minutes :)  His PT has changed up the treadmill routine, adding 3 new workouts on the machine to challenge both his brain and body -- fascinating!  As he will be on the treadmill more often, we are hoping this also helps to improve his stamina.

September 23rd and the surrounding days could not pass without our feeling a twang of sadness, and a huge amount of happiness, gratitude and blessings.  What a long year.  What a short year.  What a year.

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