Sunday, February 6, 2011

Hey Mr. Groundhog

Caden has not let all this snow and ice deter him from his therapy.  Not only has he made it to all of his outpatient appointments, but he has done some of his homework out in the elements!  Turns out snow tunnels are great for crawling, snow forts are awesome for climbing, and snow ball fights...well, those are just great fun.  Caden's most recent milestone on the PT side is getting to walk down stairs with support.  He had been "bumping" down the stairs, so this is a big step up :)

Pool therapy has continued to be his favorite, but he has also started OT "on land."  It has been great to see him working with his fine motor skills.  He is now using a tougher consistency of thera-putty than what he had been working with at rehab; and is removing/replacing small beads from the putty rather than pennies.  Cutting the putty with a knife and fork is another homework task for Caden.  A combination PT/OT task has been for him to use window crayons to write and draw on the kitchen windows.  It has made for some interesting window dressing, especially when his older brothers decided that was a pretty fun way to study for midterms!

Caden completed his speech evaluation last week, so we are looking forward to the start of speech therapy.  He is chatting more and will occasionally join in with songs playing on the radio just like he used to.  It brings a smile to all of our faces.

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