Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Desks and Ducks

Spring is finally in the air (sometimes), and Caden can smell it!  He wants to get outside and play, and do the things that were normal for him pre-injury.  One favorite is to ride his bike.  This results in great enjoyment for Caden, and a total work-out for me and whichever one of his brothers I can entice to hold up the other side of the bike ;)  Just as we were digging around for a pair of training wheels, his PT suggested lowering the bike and taking off the pedals completely.  We'll give it a try!

With over a month of home instruction under his belt, I think Caden is getting used to the routine.  His amazingly creative teachers are great at adapting the work to help Caden relearn some of his skills.  They have even brought him his very own school desk!  Aside from being the right size to help him with his posture and fine motor skills, it makes home a little more school like for those hours of the day.

During one of Caden's first outpatient PT visits in early January, the therapist recommended that he add the crab walk to his repertoire.  He was just really getting a handle on crawling, and attempting the crab walk for the first time proved very frustrating -- his arms were not strong enough to support him and the motor planning involved made the whole activity beyond his reach.  Two months (and a lot of practice) later, Caden can sidle like a crab around the mats with confidence.  His new challenge:  to walk like a duck.  I told him he can quack to his heart's content.

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