Thursday, March 31, 2011


Last week marked 6 months since Caden suffered his brain injury.  Sometimes it seems like September 23rd was yesterday, and at other times we would swear that it was years ago!  In commemoration (ha!), Caden had an MRI.  If you ever want to witness an 8 year old boy fidget, lay him in a tunnel wearing a helmet that looks like a hockey mask, create clankety, clackety noises at incredibly high decibels, and tell him to be still for an hour :)

It has also been 3 months this week since Caden came home.  Therapy and school keep him very busy.  Our living room looks more like a gym each day; and I may have to clean out a china cabinet to store his school supplies.  To break up the home therapy routine, we've started to create some mini obstacle courses.  So far they are pretty simple, but seem to keep Caden amused.

Just as when you are with your child every day, you don't notice how much they have grown; when you are with Caden daily, you may not perceive how much he has progressed.  When he left rehab he was just getting used to his walker - now he can walk with his cane and/or holding hands.  At that point he was only beginning to speak again - now he likes to chat, albeit slowly ;)  Little steps, every day. 

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