Sunday, March 6, 2011

A Hop and a Walk

Caden continues to make progress in therapy, practicing some old things and trying some new ones.  For example, his PT has been encouraging him to try and jump.  Nothing big.  Just a little jump.  He has stood on a mini-trampoline a few times and tentatively bent his knees.  It is obviously a little scary for him, and the motor planning is hard as well.  As he was navigating an obstacle course, the therapist asked him to jump down from a mat while holding on to her hand.  Caden gave it some thought the first go around, but stepped off instead.  The second time, off he went with a little hop.  Hurrah!  Since then, I have caught him practicing jumping when he uses his walker -- some times he is a little more successful than others :)  

This week also brought an addition to the schedule:  school!  Caden started home instruction with 3 wonderful teachers.  He looks forward to their arrival each day.  They have brought whistles, manipulatives, and wonderful stories.  By the end of the week he was logging in more school time than he had at rehab. 

One of Caden's favorite things pre-injury was taking weekend walks with his dad and his dog.  We reminded Caden of those walks often during his hospital and rehab stays--both to bring back happy memories, and to remind him that with hard work he would go on those walks again.  Well, the weather got a little warmer this week and we were able to venture outside a little.  First, Caden and I ventured around the block; then on Saturday, off we went with Carl and Scout.  The walk was a great success:  Caden made it out and back, and got to visit with a friendly horse and donkey along the way.  While Caden was petting the horse, the donkey slurped Caden's hand resulting in at first surprise, then a whole bunch of giggles :)     

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