Thursday, March 17, 2011

Happy St. Patrick's Day!

Caden wanted to share a little luck o' the Irish today!  He has been working hard:  the whistles, curly straws and milkshakes seem to be paying off as his voice continues to get stronger.  Another PT milestone was made as Caden took some hops on the mini-trampoline.  He is working on his handwriting workbook with the goal of catching up to his classmates :); solves a money math problem each morning with his breakfast; and is striving to be able to read and retell his reading homework. 

Last week Caden was able to participate with his classmates in after-school Bingo.  It was wonderful for him to see his friends again!  Caden enjoyed playing Bingo - especially when it was his teacher's turn to call out the numbers.  He can't wait to go in and visit his class again.

Although we have assured Caden that his injury could have happened at any time and anywhere, Caden was a little fearful of the school playground.  With the company of one of his teachers, the three of us headed out to the playground after Bingo so that Caden could see it wasn't such a scary place.  Confronting his fear was a great success:  Caden even went down the slide and decided the playground is A OK!

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