Monday, December 20, 2010

Gifts and Visitors, Week 8

This holiday season we are counting our blessings!  Not only for Caden, but for our family, friends and supporters who have been so helpful on this journey.  So many people have done so many things, big and little, to help us along the way. We thank you.

Week 8 brought several special visitors.  Santa visited the halls, not once, but twice, and was very merry for all the children.  Caden also enjoyed a great ping pong game with his neighbor from home (ok, the ball was dented and Caden needs to brush up on his ping pong skills, but he had a wonderful time nonetheless).  And then there was a special visit by Officers Brian and Jason.  These two officers were among the first responders in September, and went above and beyond the call of duty.  Caden was thrilled to have them visit him in the gym:  Officer Brian plays a mean game of Uno and Officer Jason is not too bad of a soccer player ;)  As the officers said, Caden has come a long way since that September day.

We are starting to hear a little more of Caden's voice.  He mouths words, whispers several, and in therapy will occasionally vocalize some vowels and sounds.  We had fun this weekend singing Christmas carols and having him fill in the words - a couple of times we heard his voice come through.  In therapy he has been successful trying to say something at the end of a forced cough; and we found this weekend during some fun time with his brothers that the same thing works at the end of a giggle. So, "giggle, giggle, Mom" was Caden's gift to me.  Music to my ears.

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