Sunday, December 5, 2010

Getting Stronger, Week 6

For those of you intending to make that New Year's resolution to head to the gym, make sure you persevere through week 6.  I told Caden that with all the intensive workouts he has had, I think he is now 2/3 of the way to those 6-pack abs! He has also gotten quite adept at arm wrestling with both righty and lefty - and to think we could only thumb wrestle a few weeks ago.  I'm sure your gym regimen will be quite different than Caden's, but here is a little of what he has been up to this week.

He proved such a soldier in the "stander" that he has graduated to a new one.  This one requires him to do more work, but is also much cooler looking and that has to count for something! Unfortunately, Caden's chest muscles have become very tight, requiring him to spend some time on a "prone cart".  Although I think this flat bed cart looks very inviting for a nap, Caden assures me it must have been a medieval torture device.  This week also saw Caden fitted in a jumper harness which holds him upright so that he can test out walking on his own two feet.  He got to take some steps on the gym floor and then go for a few minutes on a treadmill while the therapists helped him relearn the bio mechanics of walking.  Just when things were looking tough and frustrating in the gym, big brother Kieran came to visit.  Kieran was a great sport and did everything Caden had to do, including donning a weighted vest and doing sit ups and push ups. Caden's tip for your New Year's resolution:  get an exercise buddy!

Fun things this week included a Recreation sponsored "out trip" to a nearby Target with a couple of other patients; playing Connect 4 with Rory and deciding to change colors half-way through; having the Seton Hall men's basketball team chant his name as he lined up to take a shot; and indulging in chicken nuggets and french fries. Yum!  Boy is that Pediasure a distant memory now :)

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