Sunday, November 28, 2010

Irony, Week 5

This week we had our "family" meeting with the staff overseeing Caden's rehabilitation. They are pleased with his progress, as are we, but expressed some concern at the slow pace of recovery. The main issues are the recovery of Caden's speech and fine motor skills, and getting him ambulatory. Leaving the meeting, we were a little numb trying to digest the news that the release date from the hospital will be later than originally planned, and the recovery of his fine motor skills are many months away.
His speech, yet to return, does seem more likely any day now, as he frequently mouths words to us. The phrase "the words are on the tip of my tongue" must be reverberating in Caden's mind every day. Those that know Caden can attest it is ironic that the one thing Caden did exceptionally well - talking - is one of the slowest abilities to return. On the way down the elevator back to Caden, Alex said the blog had a very appropriate title. The doctors in the ICU and at Specialized have reinforced that the one person in control of Caden's rehab and release is Caden.... As in he will do it his way - hence, Caden's Way Home.

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