Sunday, November 7, 2010

Rehab Week 2

Caden made more progress this past week on several fronts. With a lot of assistance from the therapists, Caden stood on his own two feet and also took some tiny yet big steps. His swallowing improved as well as he began the week taking in 2 or 3 small spoons of yogurt - and by the end of the week, he finished an entire yogurt. His Pediasure consumption also changed a bit with a new ability to drink with a straw in his mouth rather than a feeding tube. His feeding tube is still in but he is hoping that it will come out once he shows he can eat and drink all on his own.

Therapists continue to work on strengthing his midsection and neck. He can do things more consistently but we notice that it still is exhausting work for him.

He also had some giggles and laughter this weekend. It is a bit disturbing for mom, but 8 yr old potty related humor seems to do the best trick to get a laugh :)


  1. Hi to all of you. I am delighted that Caden is making improvements. He sounds like he has a great sense of humour and that gets you through most things. I'll be keeping an eye on him. Please post a photo. I'd love to see him. All the best and thinking of you all. Tricia

  2. Thank you so much for sharing this information. So many of us have been wondering how Caden is doing and sending our prayers... As a physical therapist who worked on a TBI unit for many years, I appreciate all the milestones Caden is reaching. Please let us know if there is anything you guys need.
    Sharon and Tim Howard
