Friday, November 19, 2010

Working Hard Week 4

Caden's schedule keeps growing and Caden keeps going - often from 9 to 3:30.  Core strengthening and stability continue to be big foci for therapy, and Caden has to do much more of the work himself.  The therapists have discovered that Caden will work hard to earn Silly Bands, so he has a growing collection on his arm. 
Highlights of Week 4 include "lefty" participating in an Uno game; hanging from the rim after a "dunk" shot in the pool; a double thumbs up for the Physical Therapist; and feeding himself Froot Loops.      
Newly added this week:  the "stander".  This device allows Caden to stand up and put some body weight on his bones and muscles.  He has worked his way up to 45 minutes and is shooting for an hour.  The stander makes him taller than mom and he says the view is pretty good up there ;)
Caden's personality is starting to shine again.  His speech/swallow therapist has been helping him to communicate by creating word charts taped to his tray.  Each week she adds more words for him to point to.  She is also trying to help him progress beyond the baby purees to more solid foods.  During lunch, she asked him how he was enjoying his meal of shredded pot roast.  Caden pointed to the words "yuck" and "stop!" on his tray and grinned from ear to ear.

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