Friday, November 12, 2010

Progress Week 3

This has proved to be a big week for Caden.  He did so well eating over the weekend that on Tuesday the doctor pulled out the feeding tube.  What a difference that makes!  Yogurt and pureed foods certainly beat Pediasure...and ice cream is allowed now.  Things are looking up :)  Caden's biggest challenge is getting all the fluids he needs.  He hasn't "graduated" to thin liquids (water, juice) yet, so he is still sipping chocolate milk through a straw.  It's a slow process!

As he is able to do more and has more energy, they have beefed up his schedule.  Additions have included Pool therapy (the water is a warm 90 degrees) and an independent exercise program (Caden has to pedal a bike for 30 minutes, 3 times a week).  Not to mention that after a full day of therapy, he attends an hour of individual school instruction. 

Caden continues to work on standing and walking, regularly taking assisted steps during transfers to and from his wheelchair.  He is trying to do more of that work, but after all that pedaling he sometimes has spaghetti legs!  He is working hard on his core and his head control continues to improve.  Another goal this week has been to get him to use his left arm.  The therapists have definitely gotten it more active through ring and ball games - and he really enjoys the therapeutic brushing and massage of his left arm. 

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like Caden is progressing nicely...We are so happy to hear that and we continue to have good thoughts for him and your entire family each and every day.

    -Coach Grundy & The Cougar Basketball Family
