Monday, December 13, 2010

New things, Week 7

One thing that we have learned is that the therapists are very creative, and even doing hard work can be made fun. In speech, Caden has been using whistles to improve his exhale. When he started blowing through the whistles a few weeks ago, he could barely make any noise. Now he easily blows out nice, strong musical notes. I told him they were going to graduate him to the tuba! Caden's physical therapist broke up the week by introducing him to the Wii Active. Caden got to play goal keeper and easily saved the rapid fire incoming shots with his arms, torso, head, and occasionally his nose. Good thing it is 'virtual' reality! OT saw Caden army crawling through tunnels and pulling himself on a net swing. And RT put Caden on his tummy on a scooter so he could pull himself across the floor with his arms.

Caden's wheel chair was traded in for a lower one that he can propel with his feet and hands. We did one lap around the floor last night - took us awhile but he made it all by himself :) He was also fitted with casts this morning to try and improve his gait. Caden was naturally disturbed by the idea, but was a good sport and chose one red one and one green one in the spirit of the season. His mood was much improved when they decided to make the casts the removable variety (phew!). He is also being fitted for a vest which he says is slightly more comfortable than the weighted one he and Kieran tried out before. Hopefully these new accessories will help speed up the pace to the big prize: walking!

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